My Food Technology Class

Hi, my name is Hannah and I’m in Year 7. This is my first year of studying Food Technology at Sirius College. I’m really enjoying Food Technology because it is a delightful subject and it lets my creativity flow. Food Technology makes me feel calm and relaxes my mind too. In class, we learn how to cook and prepare food. Food Technology also teaches me that combining certain ingredients can make your food superbly delicious!

Food Technology is good for students who want to be a chef or work at a restaurant in the future. In Food Technology, you can be creative and decorate your food in different ways. We work with different ingredients and in the end, we get to eat our food! We can also try foods that we haven't eaten before and find out if we like it. Even though I’m too young to cook at home, I can cook at school during Food Technology class.

Food Technology is a really enjoyable class and I recommend that other students choose it as an elective in the following years to come.

Enjoy the photos from our Term 3 Food Tech class cooking adventures!

Hannah Bajhau
7C student